If my vehicle needs to be towed from the scene of an accident, do i have to pay for the towing?
Refer to your insurance policy agreement as insurers have different procedures, some may pay the towing in full and others may pay part thereof. However, if you are insured you should not have to pay any fees directly to the towing company as this will be absorbed whether in full or part thereof by your insurance company.
Will my vehicle be safe while on SteiMar’s premisis for repairs?
You can rest assured. Steimar has a security system in place backed up by surveillance recording cameras to monitor the entire premises, armed response, as well as 24 hour security guards. We have full insurance cover on all our clients’ vehicles.
Frequently Asked Questions
We trust that the following Frequently Asked Questions will assist you with some of the questions you may have. Please contact us if you need any assistance. Click question to view answer.
How long will the repairs on my vehicle take?
We understand that you are stranded without your vehicle. Be assured that your car will not be held longer than is deemed necessary to allow us to execute our high standard of repairs. However there are some factors that may contribute to this delay, e.g. :
- The prompt submission of your correctly completed claim form to your insurance company.
- The turn around time on the assessment and authorisation of the claim, repairs may not be carried out before authorisation has been granted unless such repair is for “owners’ account”.
- The availability of spares.
- Unforeseen damage that may arise once the repairs have commenced.
What is a betterment?
This is a percentage charged to the owner of the vehicle by the insurance on any parts that have to be replaced through wear and tear, e.g. Tyres, Exhausts, etc.
Q: Must I always pay an excess? And how is this determined?
This is determined by the terms and conditions of your insurance policy agreement and it may differ from insurer to insurer. However, the onus will always be on the client to pay this excess to the repairer on the collection of their vehicle.
If I have my car repaired at SteiMar will this affect my motor plan?
Not at all, all vehicles that are still under motor plan will be sent to their respective manufacturer dealer where a 20 point check will be carried out and the motor plan reinstated.